Become a Partner
The place where you find the best providers for meetings and events
It is FREE to use
It is Free Forever. We have an offer you can’t refuse
Increase awarness
Offer your product on the only platform of its kind
Get new clients
You will have access to hundreds of clients in your country and international
New network opportunities
Get access to all the network implied within our platform
Get free marketing
Benefit from free promotion and marketing of your product or service
New business opportunities
BO are verified, our sales team will always verify the veracity of the leads
Benefit from other providers
You belong to a fantastic community as we all work as a team to benefit each other.
Get a new sales team
You have a great sales team on your side. We will promote your business anytime we can
You belong to a great community as we all work as a team to benefit each other
We do the boring part
We do all the administrative work, and you just take care of providing the best customer experience.
International sales team
When belonging to Yea Yea Events, you will get access to our sales team in other countries
Get paid faster
We offer credit to most of the clients, but you get a down payment and the rest 15 days after the event
International events local payment
Get book internationally and get paid locally—safety with local regulations.
No cannibalization
We will not publish an identical product from your competitor
We qualify your product to give all our customers security, so you get the client
Benefit from our 1 Million USD Liability
We take care of everything; we protect you and our customers
Business network
Get benefits from other suppliers to realize your projects
International Representation
Sales Representation with our International Partners
Participate in marketing efforts
Benefit from all webinars, business events, international fairs, and marketing efforts
Legal assistance
Local and international legal assistance.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. Please also call us or email us before visiting to make sure that you will be served with our best services.