Impossible Magic with Daniel Fernandez Virtual Show



Impossible Magic the virtual show with Daniel Fernandez connects inexplicably and uniquely from thousands of miles away, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and complete emotion. Nevertheless, costs may vary and is subject to availability and artist's schedule. To point put, in his presentations, Daniel combines his expertise in misdirection, human physiology, and manipulating the subconscious mind in order to decipher his audience's thoughts. For that reason, you have to watch Daniel's youtube channel to understand more about what he can do.

What to expect from this virtual show

With the Impossible Magic virtual show of Daniel Fernandez, we customize presentations to suit our clients, composed of Daniel's same techniques to surprise the world's most recognized personalities, such as celebrities, corporate titans, and television appearances, for example.
To clarify, the digital presentation lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour adjusted to the client's needs. Regardless they require it interacting between 6 and 12 people. Including the whole audience, or a general show in the other hand.
Important: Prior to scheduling with Daniel, we need to check the availability of Dates with time. In addition, you need to book with a minimum of 50% in advance, so that we can anticipate every detail.



Under Request
Maximum Capacity
45 mins Set


Contact Info

Alberto Herrera

Posted 1 year ago
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