CSI Crime Scene Investigation – Team Building in Mexico


At this CSI Crime Scene Investigationxa0Team Building in Mexico, teams of local police officers must solve a crime. During this dynamic and thrilling event, their abilities to work together, be creative, and solve problems will be challenged! The Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) premise was transformed by Teams Mexico into a fun group format, enabling teams to compete in an innovative and engaging game. To utilize deduction to solve the case, each participant will draw on their individual knowledge and abilities!

What to expect

In CSI Crime Scene Investigation Team Building in Mexico Teams, you will need to cooperate as they navigate various crime scenes, firstly. Teams will be need to thoroughly search for clues, track down fingerprints, keep meticulous evidence files, take photographs, and speak with witnesses, just to list some examples, throughout the activity to solve the crimes! C.I.S. Crime LabTherefore, the main element for success will be negotiation! Teams will have access to various clues, and it will be essential to bargain with other teams to get all the necessary information for solving crimes!
Important information:

You can implement it at office or hotel meeting rooms, terrace areas. Also, large ballrooms or meeting rooms, and large gardens, for example.
Your team will enjoy multiple benefits such as sharing common team goals, thinking big, information and idea sharing, teamwork, communication and time administration! To list some of them.


Under Request
Maximum Capacity
2- 3 hrs


Contact Info

Alberto Herrera

Posted 11 months ago
  • alberto.herrera.ramirez@gmail.com
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